Jump Rope For Heart
Jump Rope For Heart teaches students how to take care of their hearts while they experience the joy of giving back to their community. The jump rope skills the students learn and the experience of being part of a larger program all across the country will serve students for a lifetime.
Solinus is the only provider of messaging and filtering solutions that offers a complete line of e-mail hosting and filtering options to customers world-wide via a four tier product line-up including HostMail - Enterprise e-mail hosting with filtering and web site hosting, MailFoundry - the world's most effective e-mail filtering and security appliance and MXHammer, the e-mail filtering single source solution for telecommunications providers. Founded in 1998, Solinus, Inc. is located in Green Bay, Wisconsin and can be found on the internet at http://www.solinus.com or reached at (888) 302-MAIL (6245).
Cedar Rapids Community School District
The Cedar Rapids Community School District has the second largest enrollment in the State of Iowa. The District's AK through grade 12 grade program currently serves 15,975 students in 24 elementary schools, 6 middle schools, and 4 high schools. We also have various alternative schools.
The educational program of the Cedar Rapids Schools is designed to provide excellence for all students, and is based on a guiding philosophy of continuous improvement.
The educational program of the Cedar Rapids Schools is designed to provide excellence for all students, and is based on a guiding philosophy of continuous improvement.